Thursday, September 24, 2009

dont know what to call this

you just know its not your luck when things go as badly as they did for me over the last 48 hours. i can't take it that everyone is upset with me. wished each of them understood. it hurts having everyone against you, even your other half. a little support for a change, instead of the usual blame-hate game would be nice. but no, it ended up being the we don't talk till i get over it thing. i don't know how to react. i admitted that i was upset over everything and i'm sincerely sorry. and i ended up taking most of the hits and blame myself. i couldn't help but bite my pillow and let my eyes wet themselves. never felt so low and shallow for myself. I was there when you were down. when you were upset. or afraid. or when you needed to talk about anything. I came running when you called, i always came every time you needed me. I supported your every call, your every decision. Even the ones that had hurt me, but i kept quiet, i understood, and here we are. And till forever, i would still continue to be there, and do everything for you. You should know, i have done, and would do Everything for you. I stayed calm when I needed to be just for you. it's always me and my bloody mistakes that makes the headlines always isn't it.
and now just when i need you the most. what do i get?

i just want to dissapear.

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