Sunday, September 6, 2009

Reality Check

This can't be the real world now. Tyson's words keep ringing in my head for some reason, and I take it to heart personally. The All American Rejects were good when they came down here, and me being the victim of a mix up simcard drama ( 8820 was supposed to be sis, 8810 was supposed to be mine ), my sis subscribed to Digi Unlimited Music, or something like that, and that entitled her to get free tickets to....The All American Rejects! =D Again, in October. Heres the line up.

Opening bands are local acts,

One Buck Short
Pop Shuvit (whoohoo!!!)

My sis has two phones, and yeah you guessed it, we have two tickets. Most likely going with sis. The date is confirmed to be either the 9th,10th, or 11th. Bless the Rejects.

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